
Showing posts from July, 2017

Introduction to Bigger Triceps

There is nothing more manly than a carved out set of triceps. This incredibly powerful horse shoe shaped muscle sits on the back of your upper arm and is an important show muscle which makes up 66% of the arm musculature. It is not only responsible for improving your bench press but is also closely linked to testosterone aromatisation, meaning the leaner your triceps the more free testosterone you should have (There’s a reason why women get bingo wings a men tend not to). But how do you get the best results of your triceps workouts? The first step to an awesome triceps workout it to know & understand your anatomy. The triceps are called tri-ceps because there are three heads of the muscle you can target with different exercises: The Long Head  The long head of the triceps lies on the inside of your arms and is the portion directly next to your rib cage, this one can usually feel like the ‘bulky’ part of the muscle. Exercises like the lying ez bar extensions & cab...

Best Exercises for Your Core Strength

There’s good news and bad news on this subject matter! The good news is that there are many really good exercises for your Abdominals, to strengthen, as well as help you get that elusive six-pack, and we will be showing you three really good ones in this post. The bad news is that “flat stomachs” and “six-packs” are, largely, made in the kitchen and not in the gym! So, taking the kitchen bit first, you really need to look at the following points to help get you the stomach you’ve always wanted: Reduce/cut out bread of any kind Reduce/cut out all sugar Increase your water intake to 2-3 litres per day (not including cups of tea/coffee etc) Aim to eat 7 portions of fresh vegetables every day Aim to eat 3 portions of fruit every day Reduce the amount of food you buy that is in packaging on the supermarket shelf or out of a tin Increase your protein intake and monitor your carb intake The list could go on much further of course, but in a nutshell just implementing these few small changes...

The Best Exercises for Six-Pack Abs

It’s nearly the end of June now, which means all that hard work you’ve been doing in the gym since Christmas is about to pay dividends. However, if you’ve been spending a bit less time in the gym and a few more days in the pub, there is no reason to fear. You can still get in shape in time for the summer with this quick-fire ab workout. Pair these exercises with a good diet and you’ll have that washboard stomach in no time at all. Swiss Ball Sit-Ups  Make sure you do not overextend on this movement by laying over the ball too far. Keep your hands either by the side of your head or placed on your chest along with your chin pointing away from your chest at all times. Curl up slowly and picture you are doing a bicep curl, but using your abdominals instead. Wood Chops  These can be done with a medicine ball, dumbbell or on a cable machine, which is my personal favourite. Stand away from the machine and picture you are about to cut a tree down. Make sure your knees a...

Four tips for a Strong Back

A strong well-defined back is not only aesthetically impressive; it is also the cornerstone of a well-balanced, fully functioning body. Looking good is important to many of us but good posture and a pain free lower back for life should be more important long term. Unlike the other muscles of your upper body that can be trained with pressing and curling movements the various muscles of the back needs a bit more variation and stimulation to get the most out of your workouts.  Support Your Spine  Strengthening the muscles that supports the spine has a beneficial effect on all other muscles. A strong and well-supported spine means that your ability to push and pull during other movements is improved. Radiating strength will increase your lifts for the whole body. Start With a Deadlift  Being one of the most complex and taxing exercises you should start a back workout with the deadlift when you are fresh and at your strongest. Be modest and train your muscles no...

Top 3 Tips for Building Bigger Shoulders

If you are a stylish, young and trendy male, cultivating a pair of big shoulders will give you a boost of confidence and make you stand out from the crowd. Here are my Top 3 Tips for building bigger shoulders. P.S. Look out for a bonus shoulder workout!  HIT Them Frequently  If you want to get good at something, what do you do? Practice, practice, practice… practice makes perfect! When guys train shoulders, most only hit them 1x per week, but you want to stand out right? So hit them 2-3x per week.  Incorporate Compound Movements   If you want the most bang for your buck, add in compound exercises like the seated dumbbell shoulder press and standing military press. These exercises recruit more muscle groups and allow you to lift heavier which gets you head turning shoulders! Include these exercises first (after your warm up) and use a 6-10 rep range.  Use Higher Reps  Doing higher reps will pump your shoulders with blood, which instantly mak...

A Beginners Guide to the Perfect Chest

If your chest is a lagging body part or not as developed as much as other body parts, why not try this routine? I like to train in a rep range of 8 -12 as this achieves maximum muscle growth. As for sets, I would aim for three but if you can feel you can do more, you can either add another set or increase the intensity of each working three sets by doing things like drop sets, negatives etc.   Cable Crossovers  I like to use this exercise first as it's a great exercise to pre-exhaust the pecs. Stand between two facing cable stations with both pulleys set midway between the top and bottom of the station. Keep your elbows slightly bent and step forward so there’s tension on the cables. Contract your pecs as hard as you can by bringing your hands together out in front of your chest. Incline Dumbbell Press  Set an adjustable bench to a 30-to 45-degree incline. Depending on the weight, you may need somebody to pass up one of the dumbbells. Lower them so the are ...

Five Tips for Bigger Biceps

Everyone knows bicep curls and parallel bar dips are key for building a great set of guns but here are 5 tips that will help you smash through plateaus and kick start some growth!  1. Curl With Your Little Finger  One of the main purposes of the biceps muscle is to rotate the hand. Bend your arms at 90 degrees and hold onto the bicep of that arm with your opposing hand, now rotate the hand on the bent arm so your palm is facing down and then rotate so it is facing up, without changing the angle of your elbow. You will feel your biceps contract as you move into supination (palms facing up) and relax when your hand is probated (palm facing down). So, when doing any kind of bicep curl, especially dumbbells, lead with your little finger! Imagine trying to turn your little finger out all the way through the movement to recruit maximum amount of muscle fiber. 2. Exercise With Perfect Technique  Cheating too much will not build a great set of arms. When per...


CHAPTER I .   THE MOTHER AND HER CHILD . The Child's Right to Choose Its Ancestry--How This is Effected--The Mother the Child's Supreme Parent--Motherhood and the Woman Movement--The Immense Importance of Motherhood--Infant Mortality and Its Causes--The Chief Cause in the Mother--The Need of Rest During Pregnancy-- Frequency of Premature Birth--The Function of the State--Recent Advance in Puericulture--The Question of Coitus During Pregnancy--The Need of Rest During Lactation--The Mother's Duty to Suckle Her Child--The Economic Question--The Duty of the State--Recent Progress in the Protection of the Mother--The Fallacy of State Nurseries. A man's sexual nature, like all else that is most essential in him, is rooted in a soil that was formed very long before his birth. In this, as in every other respect, he draws the elements of his life from his ancestors, however new the recombination may be and however greatly it may be modified by subsequent conditions. A m...
