The Child's Right to Choose Its Ancestry--How This is
Effected--The Mother
the Child's Supreme Parent--Motherhood and the Woman
Movement--The Immense
Importance of Motherhood--Infant Mortality and Its
Causes--The Chief Cause
in the Mother--The Need of Rest During Pregnancy--
Frequency of Premature
Birth--The Function of the State--Recent Advance in
Question of Coitus During Pregnancy--The Need of Rest
Lactation--The Mother's Duty to Suckle Her Child--The
Question--The Duty of the State--Recent Progress in the
Protection of the
Mother--The Fallacy of State Nurseries.
A man's sexual nature, like all else that is most
essential in him, is
rooted in a soil that was formed very long before his
birth. In this, as
in every other respect, he draws the elements of his
life from his
ancestors, however new the recombination may be and
however greatly it may
be modified by subsequent conditions. A man's destiny
stands not in the
future but in the past. That, rightly considered, is the
most vital of all
vital facts. Every child thus has a right to choose his
own ancestors.
Naturally he can only do this vicariously, through his
parents. It is the
most serious and sacred duty of the future father to
choose one half of
the ancestral and hereditary character of his future
child; it is the most
serious and sacred duty of the future mother to make a
similar choice.[1]
In choosing each other they have between them chosen the
whole ancestry of
their child. They have determined the stars that will
rule his fate.
In the past that fateful determination has usually been
made helplessly,
ignorantly, almost unconsciously. It has either been
guided by an
instinct which, on the whole, has worked out fairly
well, or controlled by
economic interests of the results of which so much
cannot be said, or left
to the risks of lower than bestial chances which can
produce nothing but
evil. In the future we cannot but have faith--for all
the hope of humanity
must rest on that faith--that a new guiding impulse,
reinforcing natural
instinct and becoming in time an inseparable
accompaniment of it, will
lead civilized man on his racial course. Just as in the
past the race has,
on the whole, been moulded by a natural, and in part
sexual, selection,
that was unconscious of itself and ignorant of the ends
it made towards,
so in the future the race will be moulded by deliberate
selection, the
creative energy of Nature becoming self-conscious in the
civilized brain
of man. This is not a faith which has its source in a
vague hope. The
problems of the individual life are linked on to the
fate of the racial
life, and again and again we shall find as we ponder the
questions we are here concerned with, that at all points
they ultimately
converge towards this same racial end.
Since we have here, therefore, to follow out the sexual
relationships of
the individual as they bear on society, it will be
convenient at this
point to put aside the questions of ancestry and to
accept the individual
as, with hereditary constitution already determined, he
lies in his
mother's womb.
It is the mother who is the child's supreme parent. At
various points in
zoölogical evolution it has seemed possible that the
functions that we now
know as those of maternity would be largely and even
equally shared by the
male parent. Nature has tried various experiments in
this direction, among
the fishes, for instance, and even among birds. But
reasonable and
excellent as these experiments were, and though they
were sufficiently
sound to secure their perpetuation unto this day, it
remains true that it
was not along these lines that Man was destined to
emerge. Among all the
mammal predecessors of Man, the male is an imposing and
important figure
in the early days of courtship, but after conception has
once been secured
the mother plays the chief part in the racial life. The
male must be
content to forage abroad and stand on guard when at home
in the
ante-chamber of the family. When she has once been
impregnated the female
animal angrily rejects the caresses she had welcomed so
before, and even in Man the place of the father at the
birth of his child
is not a notably dignified or comfortable one. Nature
accords the male but
a secondary and comparatively humble place in the home,
the breeding-place
of the race; he may compensate himself if he will, by
seeking adventure
and renown in the world outside. The mother is the
child's supreme parent,
and during the period from conception to birth the
hygiene of the future
man can only be affected by influences which work
through her.
Fundamental and elementary as is the fact of the
predominant position of
the mother in relation to the life of the race,
incontestable as it must
seem to all those who have traversed the volumes of
these _Studies_ up to
the present point, it must be admitted that it has
sometimes been
forgotten or ignored. In the great ages of humanity it
has indeed been
accepted as a central and sacred fact. In classic Rome
at one period the
house of the pregnant woman was adorned with garlands,
and in Athens it
was an inviolable sanctuary where even the criminal
might find shelter.
Even amid the mixed influences of the exuberantly vital
times which
preceded the outburst of the Renaissance, the ideally
beautiful woman, as
pictures still show, was the pregnant woman. But it has
not always been
so. At the present time, for instance, there can be no
doubt that we are
but beginning to emerge from a period during which this
fact was often
disputed and denied, both in theory and in practice,
even by women
themselves. This was notably the case both in England
and America, and it
is probably owing in large part to the unfortunate
infatuation which led
women in these lands to follow after masculine ideals
that at the present
moment the inspirations of progress in women's movements
come mainly
to-day from the women of other lands. Motherhood and the
future of the
race were systematically belittled. Paternity is but a
mere incident, it
was argued, in man's life: why should maternity be more
than a mere
incident in woman's life? In England, by a curiously
perverted form of
sexual attraction, women were so fascinated by the
glamour that surrounded
men that they desired to suppress or forget all the
facts of organic
constitution which made them unlike men, counting their
glory as their
shame, and sought the same education as men, the same
occupations as men,
even the same sports. As we know, there was at the
origin an element of
rightness in this impulse.[2] It was absolutely right in
so far as it was
a claim for freedom from artificial restriction, and a
demand for economic
independence. But it became mischievous and absurd when
it developed into
a passion for doing, in all respects, the same things as
men do; how
mischievous and how absurd we may realize if we imagine
men developing a
passion to imitate the ways and avocations of women.
Freedom is only good
when it is a freedom to follow the laws of one's own
nature; it ceases to
be freedom when it becomes a slavish attempt to imitate
others, and would
be disastrous if it could be successful.[3]
At the present day this movement on the theoretical side
has ceased to
possess any representatives who exert serious influence.
Yet its practical
results are still prominently exhibited in England and
the other countries
in which it has been felt. Infantile mortality is
enormous, and in England
at all events is only beginning to show a tendency to
diminish; motherhood
is without dignity, and the vitality of mothers is
speedily crushed, so
that often they cannot so much as suckle their infants;
girl-mothers give their infants potatoes and gin; on
every hand we are
told of the evidence of degeneracy in the race, or if
not in the race, at
all events, in the young individuals of to-day.
It would be out of place, and would lead us too far,
to discuss
here these various practical outcomes of the foolish
attempt to
belittle the immense racial importance of
motherhood. It is
enough here to touch on the one point of the excess
of infantile
In England--which is not from the social point of
view in a very
much worse condition than most countries, for in
Austria and
Russia the infant mortality is higher still, though
in Australia
and New Zealand much lower, but still excessive--
more than
one-fourth of the total number of deaths every year
is of infants
under one year of age. In the opinion of medical
officers of
health who are in the best position to form an
opinion, about
one-half of this mortality, roughly speaking, is
preventable. Moreover, it is doubtful whether there
is any real
movement of decrease in this mortality; during the
past half
century it has sometimes slightly risen and
sometimes slightly
fallen, and though during the past few years the
general movement
of mortality for children under five in England and
Wales has
shown a tendency to decrease, in London (according
to J.F.J.
Sykes, although Sir Shirley Murphy has attempted to
minimize the
significance of these figures) the infantile
mortality rate for
the first three months of life actually rose from 69
per 1,000 in
the period 1888-1892 to 75 per 1,000 in the period
(This refers, it must be remembered, to the period
before the
introduction of the Notification of Births Act.) In
any case,
although the general mortality shows a marked
tendency to
improvement there is certainly no adequately
improvement in the infantile mortality. This is
surprising, when we realize that there has been no
change for the
better, but rather for the worse, in the conditions
under which
our infants are born and reared. Thus William Hall,
who has had
an intimate knowledge extending over fifty-six years
of the slums
of Leeds, and has weighed and measured many
thousands of slum
children, besides examining over 120,000 boys and
girls as to
their fitness for factory labor, states (_British
Journal_, October 14, 1905) that "fifty years ago
the slum mother
was much more sober, cleanly, domestic, and motherly
than she is
to-day; she was herself better nourished and she
almost always
suckled her children, and after weaning they
received more
nutritious bone-making food, and she was able to
prepare more
wholesome food at home." The system of compulsory
education has
had an unfortunate influence in exerting a strain on
the parents
and worsening the conditions of the home. For,
excellent as
education is in itself, it is not the primary need
of life, and
has been made compulsory before the more essential
things of life
have been made equally compulsory. How absolutely
this great mortality is may be shown, without
evoking the good
example of Australia and New Zealand, by merely
comparing small
English towns; thus while in Guildford the infantile
death rate
is 65 per thousand, in Burslem it is 205 per
It is sometimes said that infantile mortality is an
question, and that with improvement in wages it
would cease. This
is only true to a limited extent and under certain
conditions. In
Australia there is no grinding poverty, but the
deaths of infants
under one year of age are still between 80 and 90
per thousand,
and one-third of this mortality, according to Hooper
Medical Journal_, 1908, vol. ii, p. 289), being due
to the
ignorance of mothers and the dislike to suckling, is
preventable. The employment of married women greatly
the poverty of a family, but nothing can be worse
for the welfare
of the woman as mother, or for the welfare of her
child. Reid,
the medical officer of health for Staffordshire,
where there are
two large centres of artisan population with
identical health
conditions, has shown that in the northern centre,
where a very
large number of women are engaged in factories,
still-births are
three times as frequent as in the southern centre,
where there
are practically no trade employments for women; the
frequency of
abnormalities is also in the same ratio. The
superiority of
Jewish over Christian children, again, and their
lower infantile
mortality, seem to be entirely due to the fact that
Jewesses are
better mothers. "The Jewish children in the slums,"
says William
Hall (_British Medical Journal_, October 14, 1905),
speaking from
wide and accurate knowledge, "were superior in
weight, in teeth,
and in general bodily development, and they seemed
susceptible to infectious disease. Yet these Jews
overcrowded, they took little exercise, and their
environment was obvious. The fact was, their
children were much
better nourished. The pregnant Jewess was more cared
for, and no
doubt supplied better nutriment to the foetus. After
the children
were born 90 per cent. received breast-milk, and
during later
childhood they were abundantly fed on bone-making
material; eggs
and oil, fish, fresh vegetables, and fruit entered
largely into
their diet." G. Newman, in his important and
comprehensive book
on _Infant Mortality_, emphasizes the conclusion
that "first of
all we need a higher standard of physical
motherhood." The
problem of infantile mortality, he declares (page
259), is not
one of sanitation alone, or housing, or indeed of
poverty as
such, "_but is mainly a question of motherhood_."
The fundamental need of the pregnant woman is _rest_.
Without a large
degree of maternal rest there can be no puericulture.[4]
The task of
creating a man needs the whole of a woman's best
energies, more especially
during the three months before birth. It cannot be
subordinated to the tax
on strength involved by manual or mental labor, or even
strenuous social
duties and amusements. The numerous experiments and
observations which
have been made during recent years in Maternity
Hospitals, more especially
in France, have shown conclusively that not only the
present and future
well-being of the mother and the ease of her
confinement, but the fate of
the child, are immensely influenced by rest during the
last month of
pregnancy. "Every working woman is entitled to rest
during the last three
months of her pregnancy." This formula was adopted by
the International
Congress of Hygiene in 1900, but it cannot be
practically carried out
except by the coöperation of the whole community. For it
is not enough to
say that a woman ought to rest during pregnancy; it is
the business of the
community to ensure that that rest is duly secured. The
woman herself, and
her employer, we may be certain, will do their best to
cheat the
community, but it is the community which suffers, both
economically and
morally, when a woman casts her inferior children into
the world, and in
its own interests the community is forced to control
both employer and
employed. We can no longer allow it to be said, in
Bouchacourt's words,
that "to-day the dregs of the human species--the blind,
the deaf-mute, the
degenerate, the nervous, the vicious, the idiotic, the
imbecile, the
cretins and epileptics--are better protected than
pregnant women."[5]
Pinard, who must always be honored as one of the
founders of
eugenics, has, together with his pupils, done much
to prepare the
way for the acceptance of this simple but important
principle by
making clear the grounds on which it is based. From
observations on the pregnant women of all classes
Pinard has
shown conclusively that women who rest during
pregnancy have
finer children than women who do not rest. Apart
from the more
general evils of work during pregnancy, Pinard found
that during
the later months it had a tendency to press the
uterus down into
the pelvis, and so cause the premature birth of
children, while labor was rendered more difficult
and dangerous
(see, e.g., Pinard, _Gazette des Hôpitaux_, Nov. 28,
1895, Id.,
_Annales de Gynécologie_, Aug., 1898).
Letourneux has studied the question whether repose
pregnancy is necessary for women whose professional
work is only
slightly fatiguing. He investigated 732 successive
at the Clinique Baudelocque in Paris. He found that
137 women
engaged in fatiguing occupations (servants, cooks,
etc.) and not
resting during pregnancy, produced children with an
weight of 3,081 grammes; 115 women engaged in only
fatiguing occupations (dressmakers, milliners, etc.)
and also not
resting during pregnancy, had children with an
average weight of
3,130 grammes, a slight but significant difference,
in view of
the fact that the women of the first group were
large and robust,
while those of the second group were of slight and
elegant build.
Again, comparing groups of women who rested during
pregnancy, it
was found that the women accustomed to fatiguing
work had
children with an average weight of 3,319 grammes,
while those
accustomed to less fatiguing work had children with
an average
weight of 3,318 grammes. The difference between
repose and
non-repose is thus considerable, while it also
enables robust
women exercising a fatiguing occupation to catch up,
though not
to surpass, the frailer women exercising a less
occupation. We see, too, that even in the
unfatiguing occupations of milliners, etc., rest
during pregnancy
still remains important, and cannot safely be
dispensed with.
"Society," Letourneux concludes, "must guarantee
rest to women
not well off during a part of pregnancy. It will be
repaid the
cost of doing so by the increased vigor of the
children thus
produced" (Letourneux, _De l'Influence de la
Profession de la
Mère sur le Poids de l'Enfant_, Thèse de Paris,
Dr. Dweira-Bernson (_Revue Pratique d'Obstétrique et
Pédiatrie_, 1903, p. 370), compared four groups of
pregnant women
(servants with light work, servants with heavy work,
farm girls,
dressmakers) who rested for three months before
confinement with
four groups similarly composed who took no rest
confinement. In every group he found that the
difference in the
average weight of the child was markedly in favor of
the women
who rested, and it was notable that the greatest
difference was
found in the case of the farm girls who were
probably the most
robust and also the hardest worked.
The usual time of gestation ranges between 274 and
280 days (or
280 to 290 days from the last menstrual period), and
a few days longer, though there is dispute as to the
length of
the extreme limit, which some authorities would
extend to 300
days, or even to 320 days (Pinard, in Richet's
_Dictionnaire de
Physiologie_, vol. vii, pp. 150-162; Taylor,
Jurisprudence_, fifth edition, pp. 44, 98 et seq.;
L.M. Allen,
"Prolonged Gestation," _American Journal
Obstetrics_, April,
1907). It is possible, as Müller suggested in 1898
in a Thèse de
Nancy, that civilization tends to shorten the period
gestation, and that in earlier ages it was longer
than it is now.
Such a tendency to premature birth under the
exciting nervous
influences of civilization would thus correspond, as
has pointed out (_La Grossesse_, p. 113), to the
similar effect
of domestication in animals. The robust countrywoman
transformed into the more graceful, but also more
fragile, town
woman who needs a degree of care and hygiene which
countrywoman with her more resistant nervous system
can to some
extent dispense with, although even she, as we see,
suffers in
the person of her child, and probably in her own
person, from the
effects of work during pregnancy. The serious nature
of this
civilized tendency to premature birth--of which lack
of rest in
pregnancy is, however, only one of several important
shown by the fact that Séropian (_Fréquence Comparée
des Causes
de l'Accouchement Prémature_, Thèse de Paris, 1907)
found that
about one-third of French births (32.28 per cent.)
are to a
greater or less extent premature. Pregnancy is not a
condition; on the contrary, a pregnant woman is at
the climax of
her most normal physiological life, but owing to the
tension thus
involved she is specially liable to suffer from any
slight shock
or strain.
It must be remarked that the increased tendency to
birth, while in part it may be due to general
tendencies of
civilization, is also in part due to very definite
preventable causes. Syphilis, alcoholism, and
attempts to produce
abortion are among the not uncommon causes of
premature birth
(see, e.g., G.F. McCleary, "The Influence of
Antenatal Conditions
on Infantile Mortality," _British Medical Journal_,
Aug. 13,
Premature birth ought to be avoided, because the
child born too
early is insufficiently equipped for the task before
Astengo, dealing with nearly 19,000 cases at the
Hospital in Paris and the Maternité, found, that
reckoning from
the date of the last menstruation, there is a direct
between the weight of the infant at birth and the
length of the
pregnancy. The longer the pregnancy, the finer the
(Astengo, _Rapport du Poids des Enfants à la Durée
de la
Grossesse_, Thèse de Paris, 1905).
The frequency of premature birth is probably as
great in England
as in France. Ballantyne states (_Manual of
Antenatal Pathology;
The Foetus_, p. 456) that for practical purposes the
of premature labors in maternity hospitals may be
put at 20 per
cent., but that if all infants weighing less than
3,000 grammes
are to be regarded as premature, it rises to 41.5
per cent. That
premature birth is increasing in England seems to be
indicated by
the fact that during the past twenty-five years
there has been a
steady rise in the mortality rate from premature
birth. McCleary,
who discusses this point and considers the increase
concludes that "it would appear that there has been
a diminution
in the quality as well as in the quantity of our
output of
babies" (see also a discussion, introduced by Dawson
Williams, on
"Physical Deterioration," _British Medical Journal_,
Oct. 14,
It need scarcely be pointed out that not only is
immaturity a
cause of deterioration in the infants that survive,
but that it
alone serves enormously to decrease the number of
infants that
are able to survive. Thus G. Newman states (loc.
cit.) that in
most large English urban districts immaturity is the
chief cause
of infant mortality, furnishing about 30 per cent.
of the infant
deaths; even in London (Islington) Alfred Harris
Medical Journal_, Dec. 14, 1907) finds that it is
responsible for
nearly 17 per cent. of the infantile deaths. It is
estimated by
Newman that about half of the mothers of infants
dying of
immaturity suffer from marked ill-health and poor
physique; they
are not, therefore, fitted to be mothers.
Rest during pregnancy is a very powerful agent in
premature birth. Thus Dr. Sarraute-Lourié has
compared 1,550
pregnant women at the Asile Michelet who rested
confinement with 1,550 women confined at the Hôpital
who had enjoyed no such period of rest. She found
that the
average duration of pregnancy was at least twenty
days shorter in
the latter group (Mme. Sarraute-Lourié, _De
l'Influence du Repos
sur la Durée de la Gestation_, Thèse de Paris,
Leyboff has insisted on the absolute necessity of
rest during
pregnancy, as well for the sake of the woman herself
as the
burden she carries, and shows the evil results which
follow when
rest is neglected. Railway traveling, horse-riding,
and sea-voyages are also, Leyboff believes, liable
to be
injurious to the course of pregnancy. Leyboff
recognizes the
difficulties which procreating women are placed
under by present
industrial conditions, and concludes that "it is
necessary to prevent women, by law, from working
during the last
three months of pregnancy; that in every district
there should be
a maternity fund; that during this enforced rest a
woman should
receive the same salary as during work." He adds
that the
children of unmarried mothers should be cared for by
the State,
that there should be an eight-hours' day for all
workers, and
that no children under sixteen should be allowed to
work (E.
Leyboff, _L'Hygiène de la Grossesse_, Thèse de
Paris, 1905).
Perruc states that at least two months' rest before
should be made compulsory, and that during this
period the woman
should receive an indemnity regulated by the State.
He is of
opinion that it should take the form of compulsory
assurance, to
which the worker, the employer, and the State alike
(Perruc, _Assistance aux Femmes Enceintes_, Thèse de
It is probable that during the earlier months of
pregnancy, work,
if not excessively heavy and exhausting, has little
or no bad
effect; thus Bacchimont (_Documents pour servir a
l'Histoire de
la Puériculture Intra-utérine_, Thèse de Paris,
1898) found that,
while there was a great gain in the weight of
children of mothers
who had rested for three months, there was no
corresponding gain
in the children of those mothers who had rested for
periods. It is during the last three months that
freedom, repose,
the cessation of the obligatory routine of
employment become
necessary. This is the opinion of Pinard, the chief
authority on
this matter. Many, however, fearing that economic
and industrial
conditions render so long a period of rest too
difficult of
practical attainment, are, with Clappier and G.
Newman, content
to demand two months as a minimum; Salvat only asks
for one
month's rest before confinement, the woman, whether
married or
not, receiving a pecuniary indemnity during this
period, with
medical care and drugs free. Ballantyne (_Manual of
Pathology: The Foetus_, p. 475), as well as Niven,
also asks only
for one month's compulsory rest during pregnancy,
with indemnity.
Arthur Helme, however, taking a more comprehensive
view of all
the factors involved, concludes in a valuable paper
on "The
Unborn Child: Its Care and Its Rights" (_British
Journal_, Aug. 24, 1907), "The important thing would
be to
prohibit pregnant women from going to work at all,
and it is as
important from the standpoint of the child that this
should include the early as the late months of
In England little progress has yet been made as
regards this
question of rest during pregnancy, even as regards
the education
of public opinion. Sir William Sinclair, Professor
of Obstetrics
at the Victoria University of Manchester, has
published (1907) _A
Plea for Establishing Municipal Maternity Homes_.
Ballantyne, a
great British authority on the embryology of the
child, has
published a "Plea for a Pre-Maternity Hospital"
(_British Medical
Journal_, April 6, 1901), has since given an
important lecture on
the subject (_British Medical Journal_, Jan. 11,
1908), and has
further discussed the matter in his _Manual of AnteNatal
Pathology: The Foetus_ (Ch. XXVII); he is, however,
interested in the establishment of hospitals for the
diseases of
pregnancy than in the wider and more fundamental
question of rest
for all pregnant women. In England there are,
indeed, a few
institutions which receive unmarried women, with a
record of good
conduct, who are pregnant for the first time, for,
Bouchacourt remarks, ancient British prejudices are
opposed to
any mercy being shown to women who are recidivists
in committing
the crime of conception.
At present, indeed, it is only in France that the
urgent need of
rest during the latter months of pregnancy has been
realized, and any serious and official attempts made
to provide
for it. In an interesting Paris thesis (_De la
Puériculture avant
le Naissance_, 1907) Clappier has brought together
information bearing on the efforts now being made to
practically with this question. There are many
_Asiles_ in Paris
for pregnant women. One of the best is the Asile
founded in 1893 by the Assistance Publique de Paris.
This is a
sanatorium for pregnant women who have reached a
period of seven
and a half months. It is nominally restricted to the
admission of
French women who have been domiciled for a year in
Paris, but, in
practice, it appears that women from all parts of
France are
received. They are employed in light and occasional
work for the
institution, being paid for this work, and are also
occupied in
making clothes for the expected baby. Married and
unmarried women
are admitted alike, all women being equal from the
point of view
of motherhood, and indeed the majority of the women
who come to
the Asile Michelet are unmarried, some being girls
who have even
trudged on foot from Brittany and other remote parts
of France,
to seek concealment from their friends in the
seclusion of these refuges in the great city. It is
not the least
advantage of these institutions that they shield
mothers and their offspring from the manifold evils
to which they
are exposed, and thus tend to decrease crime and
suffering. In
addition to the maternity refuges, there are
institutions in
France for assisting with help and advice those
pregnant women
who prefer to remain at home, but are thus enabled
to avoid the
necessity for undue domestic labor.
There ought to be no manner of doubt that when, as
is the case
to-day in our own and some other supposedly
civilized countries,
motherhood outside marriage is accounted as almost a
crime, there
is the very greatest need for adequate provision for
women who are about to become mothers, enabling them
to receive
shelter and care in secrecy, and to preserve their
and social position. This is necessary not only in
the interests
of humanity and public economy, but also, as is too
forgotten, in the interests of morality, for it is
certain that
by the neglect to furnish adequate provision of this
nature women
are driven to infanticide and prostitution. In
earlier, more
humane days, the general provision for the secret
reception and
care of illegitimate infants was undoubtedly most
beneficial. The
suppression of the mediæval method, which in France
took place
gradually between 1833 and 1862, led to a great
increase in
infanticide and abortion, and was a direct
encouragement to crime
and immorality. In 1887 the Conseil Général of the
Seine sought
to replace the prevailing neglect of this matter by
the adoption
of more enlightened ideas and founded a _bureau
d'admission_ for pregnant women. Since then both the
of infants and infanticide have greatly diminished,
though they
are increasing in those parts of France which
possess no
facilities of this kind. It is widely held that the
State should
unify the arrangements for assuring secret
maternity, and should,
in its own interests, undertake the expense. In 1904
French law
ensured the protection of unmarried mothers by
guaranteeing their
secret, but it failed to organize the general
establishment of
secret maternities, and has left to doctors the
pioneering part
in this great and humane public work (A. MaillardBrune,
_Refuges, Maternités, Bureaux d'Admission Secrets,
comme Moyens
Préservatives des Infanticide_, Thèse de Paris,
1908). It is not
among the least benefits of the falling birth rate
that it has
helped to stimulate this beneficent movement.
The development of an industrial system which
subordinates the human body
and the human soul to the thirst for gold, has, for a
time, dismissed from
social consideration the interests of the race and even
of the individual,
but it must be remembered that this has not been always
and everywhere so.
Although in some parts of the world the women of savage
peoples work up to
the time of confinement, it must be remarked that the
conditions of work
in savage life do not resemble the strenuous and
continuous labor of
modern factories. In many parts of the world, however,
women are not
allowed to work hard during pregnancy and every
consideration is shown to
them. This is so, for instance, among the Pueblo
Indians, and among the
Indians of Mexico. Similar care is taken in the
Carolines and the Gilbert
Islands and in many other regions all over the world. In
some places,
women are secluded during pregnancy, and in others are
compelled to
observe many more or less excellent rules. It is true
that the assigned
cause for these rules is frequently the fear of evil
spirits, but they
nevertheless often preserve a hygienic value. In many
parts of the world
the discovery of pregnancy is the sign for a festival of
more or less
ritual character, and much good advice is given to the
expectant mother.
The modern Musselmans are careful to guard the health of
their women when
pregnant, and so are the Chinese.[6] Even in Europe, in
the thirteenth
century, as Clappier notes, industrial corporations
sometimes had regard
to this matter, and would not allow women to work during
pregnancy. In
Iceland, where much of the primitive life of
Scandinavian Europe is still
preserved, great precautions are taken with pregnant
women. They must lead
a quiet life, avoid tight garments, be moderate in
eating and drinking,
take no alcohol, be safeguarded from all shocks, while
their husbands and
all others who surround them must treat them with
consideration, save them
from worry and always bear with them patiently.[7]
It is necessary to emphasize this point because we have
to realize that
the modern movement for surrounding the pregnant woman
with tenderness and
care, so far from being the mere outcome of civilized
softness and
degeneracy, is, in all probability, the return on a
higher plane to the
sane practice of those races which laid the foundations
of human
While rest is the cardinal virtue imposed on a woman
during the later
months of pregnancy, there are other points in her
regimen that are far
from unimportant in their bearing on the fate of the
child. One of these
is the question of the mother's use of alcohol.
Undoubtedly alcohol has
been a cause of much fanaticism. But the declamatory
extravagance of
anti-alcoholists must not blind us to the fact that the
evils of alcohol
are real. On the reproductive process especially, on the
mammary glands,
and on the child, alcohol has an arresting and
degenerative influence
without any compensatory advantages. It has been proved
by experiments on
animals and observations on the human subject that
alcohol taken by the
pregnant woman passes freely from the maternal
circulation to the foetal
circulation. Féré has further shown that, by injecting
alcohol and
aldehydes into hen's eggs during incubation, it is
possible to cause
arrest of development and malformation in the chick.[8]
The woman who is
bearing her child in her womb or suckling it at her
breast would do well
to remember that the alcohol which may be harmless to
herself is little
better than poison to the immature being who derives
nourishment from her
blood. She should confine herself to the very lightest
of alcoholic
beverages in very moderate amounts and would do better
still to abandon
these entirely and drink milk instead. She is now the
sole source of the
child's life and she cannot be too scrupulous in
creating around it an
atmosphere of purity and health. No after-influence can
ever compensate
for mistakes made at this time.[9]
What is true of alcohol is equally true of other potent
drugs and poisons,
which should all be avoided so far as possible during
pregnancy because of
the harmful influence they may directly exert on the
embryo. Hygiene is
better than drugs, and care should be exercised in diet,
which should by
no means be excessive. It is a mistake to suppose that
the pregnant woman
needs considerably more food than usual, and there is
much reason to
believe not only that a rich meat diet tends to cause
sterility but that
it is also unfavorable to the development of the child
in the womb.[10]
How far, if at all, it is often asked, should sexual
intercourse be
continued after fecundation has been clearly
ascertained? This has not
always been found an easy question to answer, for in the
human couple many
considerations combine to complicate the answer. Even
the Catholic
theologians have not been entirely in agreement on this
point. Clement of
Alexandria said that when the seed had been sown the
field must be left
till harvest. But it may be concluded that, as a rule,
the Church was
inclined to regard intercourse during pregnancy as at
most a venial sin,
provided there was no danger of abortion. Augustine,
Gregory the Great,
Aquinas, Dens, for instance, seem to be of this mind;
for a few, indeed,
it is no sin at all.[11] Among animals the rule is
simple and uniform; as
soon as the female is impregnated at the period of
oestrus she absolutely
rejects all advance of the male until, after birth and
lactation are over,
another period of oestrus occurs. Among savages the
tendency is less
uniform, and sexual abstinence, when it occurs during
pregnancy, tends to
become less a natural instinct than a ritual observance,
or a custom now
chiefly supported by superstitions. Among many primitive
abstinence during the whole of pregnancy is enjoined
because it is
believed that the semen would kill the foetus.[12]
The Talmud is unfavorable to coitus during
pregnancy, and the
Koran prohibits it during the whole of the period,
as well as
during suckling. Among the Hindus, on the other
hand, intercourse
is continued up to the last fortnight of pregnancy,
and it is
even believed that the injected semen helps to
nourish the embryo
(W.D. Sutherland, "Ueber das Alltagsleben und die
unter den Bauern Britischostindiens," _Münchener
Wochenschrift_, Nos. 12 and 13, 1906). The great
Indian physician
Susruta, however, was opposed to coitus during
pregnancy, and the
Chinese are emphatically on the same side.
As men have emerged from barbarism in the direction of
civilization, the
animal instinct of refusal after impregnation has been
completely lost in
women, while at the same time both sexes tend to become
indifferent to
those ritual restraints which at an earlier period were
almost as binding
as instinct. Sexual intercourse thus came to be
practiced after
impregnation, much the same as before, as part of
ordinary "marital
rights," though sometimes there has remained a faint
suspicion, reflected
in the hesitating attitude of the Catholic Church
already alluded to, that
such intercourse may be a sinful indulgence. Morality
is, however, called
in to fortify this indulgence. If the husband is shut
out from marital
intercourse at this time, it is argued, he will seek
intercourse, as indeed in some parts of the world it is
recognized that he
legitimately may; therefore the interests of the wife,
anxious to retain
her husband's fidelity, and the interests of Christian
morality, anxious
to uphold the institution of monogamy, combine to permit
the continuation
of coitus during pregnancy. The custom has been
furthered by the fact
that, in civilized women at all events, coitus during
pregnancy is usually
not less agreeable than at other times and by some women
is felt indeed to
be even more agreeable.[13] There is also the further
consideration, for
those couples who have sought to prevent conception,
that now intercourse
may be enjoyed with impunity. From a higher point of
view such intercourse
may also be justified, for if, as all the finer
moralists of the sexual
impulse now believe, love has its value not only in so
far as it induces
procreation but also in so far as it aids individual
development and the
mutual good and harmony of the united couple, it becomes
morally right
during pregnancy.
From an early period, however, great authorities have
declared themselves
in opposition to the custom of practicing coitus during
pregnancy. At the
end of the first century, Soranus, the first of great
stated, in his treatise on the diseases of women, that
sexual intercourse
is injurious throughout pregnancy, because of the
movement imparted to the
uterus, and especially injurious during the latter
months. For more than
sixteen hundred years the question, having fallen into
the hands of the
theologians, seems to have been neglected on the medical
side until in
1721 a distinguished French obstetrician, Mauriceau,
stated that no
pregnant woman should have intercourse during the last
two months and that
no woman subject to miscarriage should have intercourse
at all during
pregnancy. For more than a century, however, Mauriceau
remained a pioneer
with few or no followers. It would be inconvenient, the
opinion went, even
if it were necessary, to forbid intercourse during
During recent years, nevertheless, there has been an
increasingly strong
tendency among obstetricians to speak decisively
concerning intercourse
during pregnancy, either by condemning it altogether or
by enjoining great
prudence. It is highly probable that, in accordance with
the classical
experiments of Dareste on chicken embryos, shocks and
disturbances to the
human embryo may also produce injurious effects on
growth. The disturbance
due to coitus in the early stages of pregnancy may thus
tend to produce
malformation. When such conditions are found in the
children of perfectly
healthy, vigorous, and generally temperate parents who
have indulged
recklessly in coitus during the early stages of
pregnancy it is possible
that such coitus has acted on the embryo in the same way
as shocks and
intoxications are known to act on the embryo of lower
organisms. However
this may be, it is quite certain that in predisposed
women, coitus during
pregnancy causes premature birth; it sometimes happens
that labor pains
begin a few minutes after the act.[15] The natural
instinct of animals
refuses to allow intercourse during pregnancy; the
ritual observance of
primitive peoples very frequently points in the same
direction; the voice
of medical science, so far as it speaks at all, is
beginning to utter the
same warning, and before long will probably be in a
position to do so on
the basis of more solid and coherent evidence.
Pinard, the greatest of authorities on puericulture,
asserts that
there must be complete cessation of sexual
intercourse during the
whole of pregnancy, and in his consulting room at
the Clinique
Baudelocque he has placed a large placard with an
Notice" to this effect. Féré was strongly of opinion
that sexual
relations during pregnancy, especially when
recklessly carried
out, play an important part in the causation of
nervous troubles
in children who are of sound heredity and otherwise
free from all
morbid infection during gestation and development;
he recorded in
detail a case which he considered conclusive
("L'Influence de
l'Incontinence Sexuelle pendant la Gestation sur la
_Archives de Neurologie_, April, 1905). Bouchacourt
discusses the
subject fully (_La Grossesse_, pp. 177-214), and
thinks that
sexual intercourse during pregnancy should be
avoided as much as
possible. Fürbringer (Senator and Kaminer, _Health
and Disease in
Relation to Marriage_, vol. i, p. 226) recommends
abstinence from
the sixth or seventh month, and throughout the whole
of pregnancy
where there is any tendency to miscarriage, while in
all cases
much care and gentleness should be exercised.
The whole subject has been investigated in a Paris
Thesis by H.
Brénot (_De L'Influence de la Copulation pendant la
1903); he concludes that sexual relations are
throughout pregnancy, frequently provoking premature
or abortion, and that they are more dangerous in
primiparæ than
in multiparæ.
Nearly everything that has been said of the hygiene of
pregnancy, and the
need for rest, applies also to the period immediately
following the birth
of the child. Rest and hygiene on the mother's part
continue to be
necessary alike in her own interests and in the child's.
This need has
indeed been more generally and more practically
recognized than the need
for rest during pregnancy. The laws of several countries
make compulsory a
period of rest from employment after confinement, and in
some countries
they seek to provide for the remuneration of the mother
during this
enforced rest. In no country, indeed, is the principle
carried out so
thoroughly and for so long a period as is desirable. But
it is the right
principle, and embodies the germ which, in the future,
will be developed.
There can be little doubt that whatever are the matters,
and they are
certainly many, which may be safely left to the
discretion of the
individual, the care of the mother and her child is not
among them. That
is a matter which, more than any other, concerns the
community as a whole,
and the community cannot afford to be slack in asserting
its authority
over it. The State needs healthy men and women, and by
any negligence in
attending to this need it inflicts serious charges of
all sorts upon
itself, and at the same time dangerously impairs its
efficiency in the
world. Nations have begun to recognize the desirability
of education, but
they have scarcely yet begun to realize that the
nationalization of health
is even more important than the nationalization of
education. If it were
necessary to choose between the task of getting children
educated and the
task of getting them well-born and healthy it would be
better to abandon
education. There have been many great peoples who never
dreamed of
national systems of education; there has been no great
people without the
art of producing healthy and vigorous children.
This matter becomes of peculiar importance in great
industrial states like
England, the United States, and Germany, because in such
states a tacit
conspiracy tends to grow up to subordinate national ends
to individual
ends, and practically to work for the deterioration of
the race. In
England, for instance, this tendency has become
peculiarly well marked
with disastrous results. The interest of the employed
woman tends to
become one with that of her employer; between them they
combine to crush
the interests of the child who represents the race, and
to defeat the laws
made in the interests of the race which are those of the
community as a
whole. The employed woman wishes to earn as much wages
as she can and with
as little interruption as she can; in gratifying that
wish she is, at the
same time, acting in the interests of the employer, who
carefully avoids
thwarting her.
This impulse on the employed woman's part is by no means
always and
entirely the result of poverty, and would not,
therefore, be removed by
raising her wages. Long before marriage, when little
more than a child,
she has usually gone out to work, and work has become a
second nature. She
has mastered her work, she enjoys a certain position and
what to her are
high wages; she is among her friends and companions; the
noise and bustle
and excitement of the work-room or the factory have
become an agreeable
stimulant which she can no longer do without. On the
other hand, her home
means nothing to her; she only returns there to sleep,
leaving it next
morning at day-break or earlier; she is ignorant even of
the simplest
domestic arts; she moves about in her own home like a
strange and awkward
child. The mere act of marriage cannot change this state
of things;
however willing she may be at marriage to become a
domesticated wife, she
is destitute alike of the inclination or the skill for
domesticity. Even
in spite of herself she is driven back to the work-shop,
to the one place
where she feels really at home.
In Germany women are not allowed to work for four
weeks after
confinement, nor during the following two weeks
except by medical
certificate. The obligatory insurance against
disease which
covers women at confinement assures them an
indemnity at this
time equivalent to a large part of their wages.
Married and
unmarried mothers benefit alike. The Austrian law is
founded on
the same model. This measure has led to a very great
decrease in
infantile mortality, and, therefore, a great
increase in health
among those who survive. It is, however, regarded as
inadequate, and there is a movement in Germany for
extending the
time, for applying the system to a larger number of
women, and
for making it still more definitely compulsory.
In Switzerland it has been illegal since 1877 for
any woman to be
received into a factory after confinement, unless
she has rested
in all for eight weeks, six weeks at least of this
period being
after confinement. Since 1898 Swiss working women
have been
protected by law from exercising hard work during
pregnancy, and
from various other influences likely to be
injurious. But this
law is evaded in practice, because it provides no
indemnity for the woman. An attempt, in 1899, to
amend the law by
providing for such indemnity was rejected by the
In Belgium and Holland there are laws against women
immediately after confinement, but no indemnity is
provided, so
that employers and employed combine to evade the
law. In France
there is no such law, although its necessity has
often been
emphatically asserted (see, e.g., Salvat, _La
Dépopulation de la
France_, Thèse de Lyon, 1903).
In England it is illegal to employ a woman
"knowingly" in a
work-shop within four weeks of the birth of her
child, but no
provision is made by the law for the compensation of
the woman
who is thus required to sacrifice herself to the
interests of the
State. The woman evades the law in tacit collusion
with her
employers, who can always avoid "knowing" that a
birth has taken
place, and so escape all responsibility for the
employment. Thus the factory inspectors are unable
to take
action, and the law becomes a dead letter; in 1906
only one
prosecution for this offense could be brought into
court. By the
insertion of this "knowingly" a premium is placed on
The unwisdom of thus beforehand placing a premium on
has always been more or less clearly recognized by
the framers of
legal codes even as far back as the days of the Ten
and the laws of Hamurabi. It is the business of the
Court, of
those who administer the law, to make allowance for
where such allowance is fairly called for; it is not
for the
law-maker to make smooth the path of the lawbreaker.
There are
evidently law-makers nowadays so scrupulous, or so
that they would be prepared to exact that no
pickpocket should be
prosecuted if he was able to declare on oath that he
had no
"knowledge" that the purse he had taken belonged to
the person he
extracted it from.
The annual reports of the English factory inspectors
serve to
bring ridicule on this law, which looks so wisely
humane and yet
means nothing, but have so far been powerless to
effect any
change. These reports show, moreover, that the
difficulty is
increasing in magnitude. Thus Miss Martindale, a
inspector, states that in all the towns she visits,
from a quiet
cathedral city to a large manufacturing town, the
employment of
married women is rapidly increasing; they have
worked in mills or
factories all their lives and are quite unaccustomed
to cooking,
housework and the rearing of children, so that after
even when not compelled by poverty, they prefer to
go on working
as before. Miss Vines, another factory inspector,
repeats the
remark of a woman worker in a factory. "I do not
need to work,
but I do not like staying at home," while another
woman said, "I
would rather be at work a hundred times than at
home. I get lost
at home" (_Annual Report Chief Inspector of
Factories and
Workshops for 1906_, pp. 325, etc.).
It may be added that not only is the English law
enjoining four
weeks' rest on the mother after childbirth
inoperative, but the period itself is absurdly
inadequate. As a
rest for the mother it is indeed sufficient, but the
State is
still more interested in the child than in its
mother, and the
child needs the mother's chief care for a much
longer period than
four weeks. Helme advocates the State prohibition of
women's work
for at least six months after confinement. Where
nurseries are
attached to factories, enabling the mother to suckle
her infant
in intervals of work, the period may doubtless be
It is important to remember that it is by no means
only the women
in factories who are induced to work as usual during
the whole
period of pregnancy, and to return to work
immediately after the
brief rest of confinement. The Research Committee of
Christian Social Union (London Branch) undertook, in
1905, an
inquiry into the employment of women after
childbirth. Women in
factories and workshops were excluded from the
inquiry which only
had reference to women engaged in household duties,
in home
industries, and in casual work. It was found that
the majority
carry on their employment right up to the time of
confinement and
resume it from ten to fourteen days later. The
infantile death
rate for the children of women engaged only in
household duties
was greatly lower than that for the children of the
other women,
while, as ever, the hand-fed infants had a vastly
higher death
rate than the breast-fed infants (_British Medical
Journal_, Oct.
24, 1908, p. 1297).
In the great French gun and armour-plate works at
Creuzot (Saône
et Loire) the salaries of expectant mothers among
the employees
are raised; arrangements are made for giving them
proper advice
and medical attendance; they are not allowed to work
after the
middle of pregnancy or to return to work after
without a medical certificate of fitness. The
results are said to
be excellent, not only on the health of the mothers,
but in the
diminution of premature births, the decrease of
infantile deaths,
and the general prevalence of breast-feeding. It
would probably
be hopeless to expect many employers in Anglo-Saxon
lands to
adopt this policy. They are too "practical," they
know how small
is the money-value of human lives. With us it is
necessary for
the State to intervene.
There can be no doubt that, on the whole, modern
communities are beginning to realize that under the
social and
economic conditions now tending more and more to
prevail, they
must in their own interests insure that the mother's
best energy
and vitality are devoted to the child, both before
and after its
birth. They are also realizing that they cannot
carry out their
duty in this respect unless they make adequate
provision for the
mothers who are thus compelled to renounce their
employment in
order to devote themselves to their children. We
here reach a
point at which Individualism is at one with
Socialism. The
individualist cannot fail to see that it is at all
cost necessary
to remove social conditions which crush out all
the Socialist cannot fail to see that a society
which neglects to
introduce order at this central and vital point, the
of the individual, must speedily perish.
It is involved in the proper fulfilment of a mother's
relationship to her
infant child that, provided she is healthy, she should
suckle it. Of
recent years this question has become a matter of
serious gravity. In the
middle of the eighteenth century, when the upper-class
women of France had
grown disinclined to suckle their own children, Rousseau
raised so loud
and eloquent a protest that it became once more the
fashion for a woman to
fulfil her natural duties. At the present time, when the
same evil is
found once more, and in a far more serious form, for now
it is not the
small upper-class but the great lower-class that is
concerned, the
eloquence of a Rousseau would be powerless, for it is
not fashion so much
as convenience, and especially an intractable economic
factor, that is
chiefly concerned. Not the least urgent reason for
putting women, and
especially mothers, upon a sounder economic basis, is
the necessity of
enabling them to suckle their children.
No woman is sound, healthy, and complete unless she
breasts that are beautiful enough to hold the
promise of being
functional when the time for their exercise arrives,
and nipples
that can give suck. The gravity of this question today
is shown
by the frequency with which women are lacking in
this essential
element of womanhood, and the young man of to-day,
it has been
said, often in taking a wife, "actually marries but
part of a
woman, the other part being exhibited in the
chemist's shop
window, in the shape of a glass feeding-bottle."
Blacker found
among a thousand patients from the maternity
department of
University College Hospital that thirty-nine had
never suckled at
all, seven hundred and forty-seven had suckled all
children, and two hundred and fourteen had suckled
only some.
The chief reason given for not suckling was absence
insufficiency of milk; other reasons being inability
disinclination to suckle, and refusal of the child
to take the
breast (Blacker, _Medical Chronicle_, Feb., 1900).
These results
among the London poor are certainly very much better
than could
be found in many manufacturing towns where women
work after
marriage. In the other large countries of Europe
unsatisfactory results are found. In Paris Madame
Dluska has
shown that of 209 women who came for their
confinement to the
Clinique Baudelocque, only 74 suckled their
children; of the 135
who did not suckle, 35 were prevented by
pathological causes or
absence of milk, 100 by the necessities of their
work. Even those
who suckled could seldom continue more than seven
months on
account of the physiological strain of work (Dluska,
_Contribution à l'Etude de l'Allaitement Maternel_,
Thèse de
Paris, 1894). Many statistics have been gathered in
the German
countries. Thus Wiedow (_Centralblatt für
Gynäkologie_, No. 29,
1895) found that of 525 women at the Freiburg
Maternity only half
could suckle thoroughly during the first two weeks;
nipples were noted in 49 cases, and it was found
that the
development of the nipple bore a direct relation to
the value of
the breast as a secretory organ. At Munich Escherich
and Büller
found that nearly 60 per cent. of women of the lower
class were
unable to suckle their children, and at Stuttgart
of the child-bearing women were in this condition.
The reasons why children should be suckled at their
mothers' breasts are
larger than some may be inclined to believe. In the
first place the
psychological reason is one of no mean importance. The
breast with its
exquisitely sensitive nipple, vibrating in harmony with
the sexual organs,
furnishes the normal mechanism by which maternal love is
developed. No
doubt the woman who never suckles her child may love it,
but such love is
liable to remain defective on the fundamental and
instinctive side. In
some women, indeed, whom we may hesitate to call
abnormal, maternal love
fails to awaken at all until brought into action through
this mechanism by
the act of suckling.
A more generally recognized and certainly fundamental
reason for suckling
the child is that the milk of the mother, provided she
is reasonably
healthy, is the infant's only ideally fit food. There
are some people
whose confidence in science leads them to believe that
it is possible to
manufacture foods that are as good or better than
mother's milk; they
fancy that the milk which is best for the calf is
equally best for so
different an animal as the baby. These are delusions.
The infant's best
food is that elaborated in his own mother's body. All
other foods are more
or less possible substitutes, which require trouble to
prepare properly
and are, moreover, exposed to various risks from which
the mother's milk
is free.
A further reason, especially among the poor, against the
use of any
artificial foods is that it accustoms those around the
child to try
experiments with its feeding and to fancy that any kind
of food they eat
themselves may be good for the infant. It thus happens
that bread and
potatoes, brandy and gin, are thrust into infants'
mouths. With the infant
that is given the breast it is easier to make plain
that, except by the
doctor's orders, nothing else must be given.
An additional reason why the mother should suckle her
child is the close
and frequent association with the child thus involved.
Not only is the
child better cared for in all respects, but the mother
is not deprived of
the discipline of such care, and is also enabled from
the outset to learn
and to understand the child's nature.
The inability to suckle acquires great significance
if we realize
that it is associated, probably in a large measure
as a direct
cause, with infantile mortality. The mortality of
artificially-fed infants during the first year of
life is seldom
less than double that of the breast-fed, sometimes
it is as much
as three times that of the breast-fed, or even more;
thus at
Derby 51.7 per cent. of hand-fed infants die under
the age of
twelve months, but only 8.6 per cent. of breast-fed
Those who survive are by no means free from
suffering. At the end
of the first year they are found to weigh about 25
per cent. less
than the breast-fed, and to be much shorter; they
are more liable
to tuberculosis and rickets, with all the evil
results that flow
from these diseases; and there is some reason to
believe that the
development of their teeth is injuriously affected.
degenerate character of the artificially-fed is well
indicated by
the fact that of 40,000 children who were brought
for treatment
to the Children's Hospital in Munich, 86 per cent.
had been
brought up by hand, and the few who had been suckled
had usually
only had the breast for a short time. The evil
influence persists
even up to adult life. In some parts of France where
wet-nurse industry flourishes so greatly that nearly
all the
children are brought up by hand, it has been found
that the
percentage of rejected conscripts is nearly double
that for
France generally. Corresponding results have been
found by
Friedjung in a large German athletic association.
Among 155
members, 65 per cent. were found on inquiry to have
breast-fed as infants (for an average of six
months); but among
the best athletes the percentage of breast-fed rose
to 72 per
cent. (for an average period of nine or ten months),
while for
the group of 56 who stood lowest in athletic power
the percentage
of breast-fed fell to 57 (for an average of only
three months).
The advantages for an infant of being suckled by its
mother are
greater than can be accounted for by the mere fact
of being
suckled rather than hand-fed. This has been shown by
Vitrey (_De
la Mortalité Infantile_, Thèse de Lyon, 1907), who
found from the
statistics of the Hôtel-Dieu at Lyons, that infants
suckled by
their mothers have a mortality of only 12 per cent.,
but if
suckled by strangers, the mortality rises to 33 per
cent. It may
be added that, while suckling is essential to the
well-being of the child, it is highly desirable for
the sake of
the mother's health also. (Some important statistics
summarized in a paper on "Infantile Mortality" in
Medical Journal_, Nov. 2, 1907), while the various
aspects of
suckling have been thoroughly discussed by
Bollinger, "Ueber
Säuglings-Sterblichkeit und die Erbliche
functionelle Atrophie
der menschlichen Milchdrüse" (_Correspondenzblatt
Gesellschaft Anthropologie_, Oct., 1899).
It appears that in Sweden, in the middle of the
century, it was a punishable offense for a woman to
give her baby
the bottle when she was able to suckle it. In recent
years Prof.
Anton von Menger, of Vienna, has argued (in his
Recht und die Besitzlosen Klassen_) that the future
has the right to make this claim, and he proposes
that every
mother shall be legally bound to suckle her child
unless her
inability to do so has been certified by a
physician. E.A.
Schroeder (_Das Recht in der Geschlechtlichen
Ordnung_, 1893, p.
346) also argued that a mother should be legally
bound to suckle
her infant for at least nine months, unless solid
grounds could
be shown to the contrary, and this demand, which
seems reasonable
and natural, since it is a mother's privilege as
well as her duty
to suckle her infant when able to do so, has been
made by others also. It has been supported from the
legal side by
Weinberg (_Mutterschutz_, Sept., 1907). In France
the Loi Roussel
forbids a woman to act as a wet-nurse until her
child is seven
months old, and this has had an excellent effect in
infantile mortality (A. Allée, _Puériculture et la
Loi Roussel_,
Thèse de Paris, 1908). In some parts of Germany
manufacturers are
compelled to set up a suckling-room in the factory,
where mothers
can give the breast to the child in the intervals of
work. The
control and upkeep of these rooms, with provision of
doctors and
nurses, is undertaken by the municipality (_SexualProbleme_,
Sept., 1908, p. 573).
As things are to-day in modern industrial countries the
righting of these
wrongs cannot be left to Nature, that is, to the
ignorant and untrained
impulses of persons who live in a whirl of artificial
life where the voice
of instinct is drowned. The mother, we are accustomed to
think, may be
trusted to see to the welfare of her child, and it is
unnecessary, or even
"immoral," to come to her assistance. Yet there are few
things, I think,
more pathetic than the sight of a young Lancashire
mother who works in the
mills, when she has to stay at home to nurse her sick
child. She is used
to rise before day-break to go to the mill; she has
scarcely seen her
child by the light of the sun, she knows nothing of its
necessities, the
hands that are so skilful to catch the loom cannot
soothe the child. The
mother gazes down at it in vague, awkward, speechless
misery. It is not a
sight one can ever forget.
It is France that is taking the lead in the initiation
of the scientific
and practical movements for the care of the young child
before and after
birth, and it is in France that we may find the germs of
nearly all the
methods now becoming adopted for arresting infantile
mortality. The
village system of Villiers-le-Duc, near Dijon in the
Côte d'Or, has proved
a germ of this fruitful kind. Here every pregnant woman
not able to secure
the right conditions for her own life and that of the
child she is
bearing, is able to claim the assistance of the village
authorities; she
is entitled, without payment, to the attendance of a
doctor and midwife
and to one franc a day during her confinement. The
measures adopted in
this village have practically abolished both maternal
and infantile
mortality. A few years ago Dr. Samson Moore, the medical
officer of health
for Huddersfield, heard of this village, and Mr.
Benjamin Broadbent, the
Mayor of Huddersfield, visited Villiers-le-Duc. It was
resolved to
initiate in Huddersfield a movement for combating infant
Henceforth arose what is known as the Huddersfield
scheme, a scheme which
has been fruitful in splendid results. The points of the
scheme are: (1) compulsory notification of births within
hours; (2) the appointment of lady assistant medical
officers of help to
visit the home, inquire, advise, and assist; (3) the
organized aid of
voluntary lady workers in subordination to the municipal
part of the
scheme; (4) appeal to the medical officer of help when
the baby, not being
under medical care, fails to thrive. The infantile
mortality of
Huddersfield has been very greatly reduced by this
The Huddersfield scheme may be said to be the origin
of the
English Notification of Births Act, which came into
operation in
1908. This Act represents, in England, the national
of a scheme for the betterment of the race, the
ultimate results
of which it is impossible to foresee. When this Act
comes into
universal action every baby of the land will be
and not by individual caprice or philanthropic
medical attention from the day of birth, and every
mother will
have at hand the counsel of an educated woman in
touch with the
municipal authorities. There could be no greater
triumph for
medical science, for national efficiency, and the
cause of
humanity generally. Even on the lower financial
plane, it is easy
to see that an enormous saving of public and private
money will
thus be effected. The Act is adoptive, and not
compulsory. This
was a wise precaution, for an Act of this kind
cannot be
effectual unless it is carried out thoroughly by the
adopting it, and it will not be adopted until a
community has
clearly realized its advantages and the methods of
An important adjunct of this organization is the
School for
Mothers. Such schools, which are now beginning to
spring up
everywhere, may be said to have their origins in the
_Consultations de Nourrissons_ (with their offshoot
the _Goutte
de Lait_), established by Professor Budin in 1892,
which have
spread all over France and been widely influential
for good. At
the _Consultations_ infants are examined and weighed
weekly, and
the mothers advised and encouraged to suckle their
children. The
_Gouttes_ are practically milk dispensaries where
infants for
whom breast-feeding is impossible are fed with milk
under medical
supervision. Schools for Mothers represent an
enlargement of the
same scheme, covering a variety of subjects which it
is necessary
for a mother to know. Some of the first of these
schools were
established at Bonn, at the Bavarian town of
Weissenberg, and in
Ghent. At some of the Schools for Mothers, and
notably at Ghent
(described by Mrs. Bertrand Russell in the
_Nineteenth Century_,
1906), the important step has been taken of giving
training to
young girls from fourteen to eighteen; they receive
in infant anatomy and physiology, in the preparation
sterilized milk, in weighing children, in taking
temperatures and
making charts, in managing crêches, and after two
years are able
to earn a salary. In various parts of England,
schools for young
mothers and girls on these lines are now being
established, first
in London, under the auspices of Dr. F.J. Sykes,
Medical Officer
of Health for St. Pancreas (see, e.g., _A School For
1908, describing an establishment of this kind at
Somers Town,
with a preface by Sir Thomas Barlow; an account of
attempts to improve the care of infants in London
will also be
found in the _Lancet_, Sept. 26, 1908). It may be
added that some
English municipalities have established depôts for
mothers cheaply with good milk. Such depôts are,
however, likely
to be more mischievous than beneficial if they
promote the
substitution of hand-feeding for suckling. They
should never be
established except in connection with Schools for
Mothers, where
an educational influence may be exerted, and no
mother should be
supplied with milk unless she presents a medical
showing that she is unable to nourish her child
(Byers, "Medical
Women and Public Health Questions," _British Medical
Oct. 6, 1906). It is noteworthy that in England the
authorities will shortly be empowered by law to
establish Schools
for Mothers.
The great benefits produced by these institutions in
France, both
in diminishing the infant mortality and in promoting
education of mothers and their pride and interest in
children, have been set forth in two Paris theses by
G. Chaignon
(_Organisation des Consultations de Nourrissons à la
1908), and Alcide Alexandre (_Consultation de
Nourrissons et
Goutte de Lait d'Arques_, 1908).
The movement is now spreading throughout Europe, and
International Union has been formed, including all
institutions specially founded for the protection of
child life
and the promotion of puericulture. The permanent
committee is in
Brussels, and a Congress of Infant Protection
(_Goutte de Lait_)
is held every two years.
It will be seen that all the movements now being set in
action for the
improvement of the race through the child and the
child's mother,
recognize the intimacy of the relation between the
mother and her child
and are designed to aid her, even if necessary by the
exercise of some
pressure, in performing her natural functions in
relation to her child. To
the theoretical philanthropist, eager to reform the
world on paper,
nothing seems simpler than to cure the present evils of
child-rearing by
setting up State nurseries which are at once to relieve
mothers of
everything connected with the production of the men of
the future beyond
the pleasure--if such it happens to be--of conceiving
them and the trouble
of bearing them, and at the same time to rear them up
independently of the
home, in a wholesome, economical, and scientific
manner.[17] Nothing seems
simpler, but from the fundamental psychological
standpoint nothing is
falser. The idea of a State which is outside the
community is but a
survival in another form of that antiquated notion which
compelled Louis
XIV to declare "L'Etat c'est moi!" A State which admits
that the
individuals composing it are incompetent to perform
their own most sacred
and intimate functions, and takes upon itself to perform
them instead,
attempts a task which would be undesirable, even if it
were possible of
achievement. It must always be remembered that a State
which proposes to
relieve its constituent members of their natural
functions and
responsibilities attempts something quite different from
the State which
seeks to aid its members to fulfil their own biological
and social
functions more adequately. A State which enables its
mothers to rest when
they are child-bearing is engaged in a reasonable task;
a State which
takes over its mothers' children is reducing
philanthropy to absurdity. It
is easy to realize this if we consider the inevitable
course of
circumstances under a system of "State-nurseries." The
child would be
removed from its natural mother at the earliest age, but
some one has to
perform the mother's duties; the substitute must
therefore be properly
trained for such duties; and in exercising them under
circumstances a maternal relationship is developed
between the child and
the "mother," who doubtless possesses natural maternal
instincts but has
no natural maternal bond to the child she is mothering.
Such a
relationship tends to become on both sides practically
and emotionally the
real relationship. We very often have opportunity of
seeing how
unsatisfactory such a relationship becomes. The
artificial mother is
deprived of a child she had begun to feel her own; the
child's emotional
relationships are upset, split and distorted; the real
mother has the
bitterness of feeling that for her child she is not the
real mother. Would
it not have been much better for all if the State had
encouraged the vast
army of women it had trained for the position of
mothering other women's
children, to have, instead, children of their own? The
women who are
incapable of mothering their own children could then be
trained to refrain
from bearing them.
Ellen Key (in her _Century of the Child_, and
elsewhere) has
advocated for all young women a year of compulsory
analogous to the compulsory military service imposed
in most
countries on young men. During this period the girl
would be
trained in rational housekeeping, in the principles
of hygiene,
in the care of the sick, and especially in the care
of infants
and all that concerns the physical and psychic
development of
children. The principle of this proposal has since
been widely
accepted. Marie von Schmid (in her _Mutterdienst_,
1907) goes so
far as to advocate a general training of young women
in such
duties, carried on in a kind of enlarged and
improved midwifery
school. The service would last a year, and the young
woman would
then be for three years in the reserves, and liable
to be called
up for duty. There is certainly much to be said for
such a
proposal, considerably more than is to be said for
military service. For while it is very doubtful
whether a man
will ever be called on to fight, most women are
liable to be
called on to exercise household duties or to look
after children,
whether for themselves or for other people.
[1] It is not, of course, always literally true that
each parent supplies
exactly half the heredity, for, as we see among animals
generally, the
offspring may sometimes approach more nearly to one
parent, sometimes to
the other, while among plants, as De Vries and others
have shown, the
heredity may be still more unequally divided.
[2] It should scarcely be necessary to say that to
assert that motherhood
is a woman's supreme function is by no means to assert
that her activities
should be confined to the home. That is an opinion which
may now be
regarded as almost extinct even among those who most
glorify the function
of woman as mother. As Friedrich Naumann and others have
very truly
pointed out, a woman is not adequately equipped to
fulfil her functions as
mother and trainer of children unless she has lived in
the world and
exercised a vocation.
[3] "Were the capacities of the brain and the heart
equal in the sexes,"
Lily Braun (_Die Frauenfrage_, page 207) well says, "the
entry of women
into public life would be of no value to humanity, and
would even lead to
a still wilder competition. Only the recognition that
the entire nature of
woman is different from that of man, that it signifies a
new vivifying
principle in human life, makes the women's movement, in
spite of the
misconception of its enemies and its friends, a social
revolution" (see
also Havelock Ellis, _Man and Woman_, fourth edition,
1904, especially Ch.
[4] The word "puericulture" was invented by Dr. Caron in
1866 to signify
the culture of children after birth. It was Pinard, the
French obstetrician, who, in 1895, gave it a larger and
truer significance
by applying it to include the culture of children before
birth. It is now
defined as "the science which has for its end the search
for the knowledge
relative to the reproduction, the preservation, and the
amelioration of
the human race" (Péchin, _La Puériculture avant la
Naissance_, Thèse de
Paris, 1908).
[5] In _La Grossesse_ (pp. 450 et seq.) Bouchacourt has
discussed the
problems of puericulture at some length.
[6] The importance of antenatal puericulture was fully
recognized in China
a thousand years ago. Thus Madame Cheng wrote at that
time concerning the
education of the child: "Even before birth his education
may begin; and,
therefore, the prospective mother of old, when lying
down, lay straight;
when sitting down, sat upright; and when standing, stood
erect. She would
not taste strange flavors, nor have anything to do with
spiritualism; if
her food were not cut straight she would not eat it, and
if her mat were
not set straight, she would not sit upon it. She would
not look at any
objectionable sight, nor listen to any objectionable
sound, nor utter any
rude word, nor handle any impure thing. At night she
studied some
canonical work, by day she occupied herself with
ceremonies and music.
Therefore, her sons were upright and eminent for their
talents and
virtues; such was the result of antenatal training"
(H.A. Giles, "Woman in
Chinese Literature," _Nineteenth Century_, Nov., 1904).
[7] Max Bartels, "Isländischer Brauch," etc.,
_Zeitschrift für
Ethnologie_, 1900, p. 65. A summary of the customs of
various peoples in
regard to pregnancy is given by Ploss and Bartels, _Das
Weib_, Sect. XXIX.
[8] On the influence of alcohol during pregnancy on the
embryo, see, e.g.,
G. Newman, _Infant Mortality_, pp. 72-77. W.C. Sullivan
1906, Ch. XI), summarizes the evidence showing that
alcohol is a factor in
human degeneration.
[9] There is even reason to believe that the alcoholism
of the mother's
father may impair her ability as a mother. Bunge (_Die
Unfähigkeit der Frauen ihre Kinder zu Stillen_, fifth
edition, 1907), from
an investigation extending over 2,000 families, finds
that chronic
alcoholic poisoning in the father is the chief cause of
the daughter's
inability to suckle, this inability not usually being
recovered in
subsequent generations. Bunge has, however, been opposed
by Dr. Agnes
Bluhm, "Die Stillungsnot," _Zeitschrift für Soziale
Medizin_, 1908 (fully
summarized by herself in _Sexual-Probleme_, Jan., 1909).
[10] See, e.g., T. Arthur Helme, "The Unborn Child,"
_British Medical
Journal_, Aug. 24, 1907. Nutrition should, of course, be
adequate. Noel
Paton has shown (_Lancet_, July 4, 1903) that defective
nutrition of the
pregnant woman diminishes the weight of the offspring.
[11] Debreyne, _Moechialogie_, p. 277. And from the
Protestant side see
Northcote (_Christianity and Sex Problems_, Ch. IX), who
permits sexual
intercourse during pregnancy.
[12] See Appendix A to the third volume of these
_Studies_; also Ploss and
Bartels, loc. cit.
[13] Thus one lady writes: "I have only had one child,
but I may say that
during pregnancy the desire for union was much stronger,
for the whole
time, than at any other period." Bouchacourt (_La
Grossesse_, pp. 180-183)
states that, as a rule, sexual desire is not diminished
by pregnancy, and
is occasionally increased.
[14] This "inconvenience" remains to-day a stumblingblock
with many
excellent authorities. "Except when there is a tendency
to miscarriage,"
says Kossmann (Senator and Kaminer, _Health and Disease
in Relation to
Marriage_, vol. i, p. 257), "we must be very guarded in
abstinence from intercourse during pregnancy," and
Ballantyne (_The
Foetus_, p. 475) cautiously remarks that the question is
difficult to
decide. Forel also (_Die Sexuelle Frage_, fourth
edition, p. 81), who is
not prepared to advocate complete sexual abstinence
during a normal
pregnancy, admits that it is a rather difficult
[15] This point is discussed, for instance, by Séropian
in a Paris Thesis
(_Fréquence comparée des Causes de l'Accouchement
Prémature_, 1907); he
concludes that coitus during pregnancy is a more
frequent cause of
premature confinement than is commonly supposed,
especially in primiparæ,
and markedly so by the ninth month.
[16] "Infantile Mortality: The Huddersfield Scheme,"
_British Medical
Journal_, Dec., 1907; Samson Moore, "Infant Mortality,"
ib., August 29,
[17] Ellen Key has admirably dealt with proposals of
this kind (as put
forth by C.P. Stetson) in her Essays "On Love and
Marriage." In opposition
to such proposals Ellen Key suggests that such women as
have been properly
trained for maternal duties and are unable entirely to
support themselves
while exercising them should be subsidized by the State
during the child's
first three years of life. It may be added that in
Leipzig the plan of
subsidizing mothers who (under proper medical and other
suckle their infants has already been introduced.
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