9 Reasons Why Lack of Sleep Can Ruin Your Life
We can talk for hours about the importance of both yoga and meditation to health and wellness. Both are beautiful ways to improve our lives in such fast-paced life. Personally, I believe meditating every morning is one of the best things I`ve ever done in my life, but it will always come second to improving the quality of my sleep. What Will Happen If You Don`t Get Enough Sleep Studies, experts, and successful people all believe in the importance of sleep to the quality of your life. I remember when I first watched Arianna Huffington say good sleep is the first step to success, I was surprised. But I then understood what she meant when I realized that I couldn`t get myself to relax, or work efficiently, on the days I didn`t get enough sleep, even if I rigidly meditate and do yoga. Want more proof? Here`s a list of all the things that can happen if you don`t get enough sleep, all backed by science. Studies also found sleep deprivation not only affects cognition but can also inh...